Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas with Papa & Granny

Well, like all of you, we've had a wonderful Christmas holiday! We got way to many great things, ate way too much, and enjoyed a lots of laughs and good tears with our family. Here's a few pictures of our Christmas with Papa and Granny (Nate's parents).

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Baking

In celebration of stirring day, the girls and I whipped up some of Aunt Andrea's special Christmas cookies. My little helpers did a wonderful job icing the cookies--and had a great time too!

Is that icing good, Rosalyn?

Wait, is that icing on your cheek, Katie?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rosalyn in Christmas Fancy

Somehow the girls received (or either we bought!) too many Christmas dresses this year. To be sure each dress got at least a wear or two, we would try them on during the week around the house and sometimes show up "over dressed" to everyday activities. Here's a picture of Rosalyn showing off her fancy Christmas dress. Isn't it cute?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Blogging at FPC, Luci Shaw, and the Incarnation

Nate is a contributor to the FPC Jackson blog, and though I don't think he writes very often, he put up something today on the modern Christian poet Luci Shaw and one of her poems on the incarnation. I thought some of you might enjoy reading it.

Check it out!

BTW: Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas season! We've enjoyed receiving bunches of your Christmas cards in the mail. Keep them coming. Some of you will hopefully get ours soon, if you haven't already.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Decorating the Christmas Tree

The girls had a great time decorating the tree this year. Rosalyn knew exactly what to do and Katie thought it was just easier to place the ornaments inside the tree instead of on the branch. What a fun time of year it is!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Belhaven College Singing Christmas Tree

It was a perfect night for the Singing Christmas Tree this year. We were all bundled up, drinking hot apple cider, and enjoying beautiful Christmas music with great friends. Cindy Mercer, one of the pastors wives at FPC, is holding Katie in the picture.

Matching dresses!

I know one day the girls will look back on all their pictures and ask me why I dressed them alike so much but I think it's precious right now. We have matching Christmas dresses for each week of December and here was the one from the first week.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Sorry we've been away from our blog for so long. We've been swamped with church work and the holidays. Sadly, something had to go, and it was the blog that took the hit! We're back though, and ready to post. We'll try and clue you in on all that's been going on this past month...

Here's a few pictures of Thanksgiving. What a great time we had!