Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Nate's Busy Life

I'm going to take time today to let everyone know what Nate is doing. Some of you have emailed and asked so I thought I could take the spotlight off the girls for today and put it on Nate!

  • Nate is currently in his 4th year of seminary and it's his last year! He's working on his Masters of Divinity with an emphasis in Counseling. He is the President of Student Body this year, against his better judgement.
  • He is the Christian Education Intern at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson. He gets to teach Sunday School each week, every quarter with a new class, which he loves to do. On Wednesday nights, he leads a discipleship group through the book Peacemakers for Families. We've just started this last week but the group seems great and we're excited about it.
  • As another part time job, Nate writes for an online magazine. He writes lots of book reviews and some cutural critiques. We'd love for you all to go to the site and check it out. It's and his latest book review is at There's alot of wonderful men that write for this magazine.

So as you can tell, he is a busy man. But he really enjoys everything he does. Teaching, writing, and learning.....what better way to describe the things that Nate loves!

1 comment:

Inkling said...

Wow! I've always wondered what everyone from Bannockburn ended up doing, and it was fun to find your blog this morning. I'm Dave's sister, the one who provided the "trough" where your hubby imbibed gallons of milk, watched movies, and shared lots of talks late into the night with my little brother and the rest of the Bannockburn gang. Anyway, it was fun seeing your blog with all the pictures, as well as the links to the rest of Dr. G's crew. Blessings to you all!