Sunday, September 05, 2010

Rosalyn's First Day of First Grade

As hard as it is to believe, Rosalyn started first grade last week. She looked so grown up headed off to school with her backpack and lunchbox. Though she still misses FPCJ, and all her dear friends from Jackson, this new school (Eagle's Nest Academy) has been so warm and accepting so far. She seems to have fallen into the new school really well and is making lots of new friends. We're so thankful to the Lord for how he is taking care of her.

This is Rosalyn right outside her classroom door, walking in for the first time!
This is her all dressed up to get into the car and ride to school for the first time!


Paula said...

Wow, time is flying! You guys seem to be doing very well--but you are certainly missed!

Grace Halsey said...

I'm so glad it's going well for you all & that Rosalyn likes her new school! I was thinking about you last Friday on her birthday!

Ellen said...

I'm behind on reading your blog...thanks for sharing! Ro looks so grown up in the outside picture :) i love it!