Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well, it's been a long time since I sat down to blog on here. It's not that we don't have anything going on to tell about. It's actually quite the opposite. This year has been a year of ups and downs, sadness and excitement, lots of fun times and lots of accomplishments from the kids. I am going to catch up from January but for now I will just start with what's happening these past 2 weeks.
Katie attended Mustard Seed Preschool and absolutely loved it. She made some really good friends and learned some great things. 2 weeks ago she graduated preschool and also had a spring program.

Katie's good friend, Laurel

Today, Rosalyn attended her schools awards day. What a special day it ended up being for her! She was awarded: First Grade Character Award "Sweet Spirit", All A Honor Roll, "Voracious Reading" (to those who love to read and are seen reading in their free time), Diligence Perservance and Effort, and a wonderful honor, Citizenship 2011 (She was the only one in the school who received this award). I wish I was prepared for her winning the Citizenship Award because the teacher who presented her with it said the most kind words about Rosalyn. I would have loved to have it on video. Here are a few pictures of her day.

This teacher will be Rosalyn's 2nd grade teacher and is the one who presented her with the citizenship award. They already have a sweet relationship so we're looking forward to next year!
Rosalyn with her 1st grade class

1 comment:

Ellen said...

I am one proud aunt!